Tuesday, November 2, 2010


chocolate in italy is my #1 weakness. kinder bueno, kinder latte, ringos, fondente, chocolate with hazelnuts, caldo cioccolato, nutella... you name it, i love it. a chocolate (or two) a day... keeps the doctor away? i think so.

today is the first sunny day we have had in at least three days now. when it rains here, it pours. literally. non stop rain for two days straight, day and night. lets just say that i enjoyed our class field trip to the fonte bronde; sitting outside, soaking up the sun, and reading dante, (while eating free gelato from kopakabana's).

we visited a jewish synagogue today, and i have to say that i think it has been one of my favorite things that we have done this whole trip. eli (their stand in rabbi), is from jerusalem, and has been living in italy for two years. he was really nice, and told us all about the jewish religion, its history in siena, italy, and europe in general. he answered all of our questions, and even told a jewish joke! i want to learn/study more about the jewish religion and culture, and would love to go to jerusalem someday. maybe another study abroad in a year or two...? i think yes.

oh, and by the way, today is my one month mark till i leave this beautiful country. and two more weeks till i leave siena. sad. so i'm taking advantage of every moment that i have.


  1. Chocolate! Yes! I'll bet it is better than Dove chocolate even. It is interesting that your trip to the synegogue was one of your favorite things that you have done while in Italy. I can't wait to hear more about it.
